The Maeve Ferguson Podcast

Become a CEO on F.I.R.E.

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Episode 65 - The Power of a Signature Speech With Laurie-Ann Murabito

July 21st,2022

In this week’s podcast, we dive into segment 4 of our visibility mini-series, where we talk to the amazing Laurie-Ann Murabito and we've got a slightly different perspective for you today - about the power of a signature speech!

If you don't have a strong signature speech, people may not take you seriously.. My special guest Laurie Ann Murabito has put together her best tips on how to get yourself to the next level in business, by leveraging a Signature Speech.

In this episode, You will learn why you need a Signature Speech and how to create one!

A little teaser:

"I am a reformed, painfully shy girl who accidentally became a professional speaker. That's a story for another time. And from my time of being on stages, learning how to overcome that shyness, actually speaking on stage, I learned quickly that it was a client magnet."

Laurie Ann Murabito is a speaking strategist who helps entrepreneurs and online coaches use speaking as their best form of marketing. She is a reformed, painfully shy girl who accidentally became a professional speaker. She has learned quickly that it was a client magnet. Even though she wasn't very good at speaking back then, she then just about five years ago, stepped off the stage, and now she's teaching entrepreneurs & online coaches how to use speaking as their best form of marketing because it builds that know, like and trust factor instantly.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. The power of a signature speech in building an audience and converting clients
  2. The importance of taking action and not waiting for the perfect time
  3. The stories we tell ourselves that hold us back from taking action

Not sure where to get started or how to find the thousands of speaking opportunities that are happening daily and looking for experts like you? Grab the Directory of Places to Speak, with over 60+ different organizations in a variety of industries, you’ll be sure to find the ones filled with audiences of your ideal clients!

Resources and Links:

Laurie-Ann Website:

Social: @lauarieann.murabito

Podcast: Be In Demand with Laurie-Ann Murabito at

Follow me on:






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Words of Wisdom:

"A Signature Speech Will Transform Your Business"

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