The Maeve Ferguson Podcast

Become a CEO on F.I.R.E.

Freedom. Impact. Revenue. Empowerment.

Episode 45- Listening To Your Market

March 3rd, 2022

In today’s episode we uncover what the CEO on FIRE must do when listening to their market.

The first thing to consider is - why does it matter to listen in the first place?

What we often see is the overwhelmed expert perhaps thinking that they know better than their ideal client. They feel that their qualifications and certifications means that they know what they need.

How this appears is the Overwhelmed Expert using their own words instead of their ideal client’s. Their offers are not converting as well as they would like.

We must instead bring a mindset of continuous improvement, to become that CEO on FIRE.

So, how do we do that? We speak to existing clients, we speak to leads on sales calls, we gain feedback from our programme advisors, if they do calls for us. We gain insight by sending quiz funnels to our clients and through automations that can ask the question for us.

Remember though, we must make it easy for them, we must provide the structure for them, but not lead them. We also must be prepared to do the work and have no attachment to “losing” the lead.

Episode Highlights:

  • 2:38 - How overwhelmed experts handle their clients
  • 7:28 - The easiest way to listen to your market
  • 8:34 - Truly understand your clients. Why are they saying no? Why are they saying yes?

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Words of Wisdom:

“Are you listening to your market?"

Listen below!

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