The Maeve Ferguson Podcast
Become an Evergreen CEO
The Evergreen Lifestyle Business Blueprint
Episode 97 - Quiz Funnels Decoded: Your Blueprint for Lead Generation Success.
29 September 2023
Today, we're delving into the world of building your quiz funnel. I've noticed many discussions in various online communities, like Facebook groups, about the best software for creating quizzes and what to consider when building one.
That's precisely why I decided to dedicate this podcast episode to this topic.
First and foremost, you might wonder why you should even bother with a quiz funnel in your business. Well, if you've tried everything—live launches, challenges, webinars—and received lots of praise but not many clients, it could be a sign that you're attracting unqualified leads.
That's where a quiz funnel comes in. Reason number one: it brings in qualified leads. Second, quizzes tap into curiosity, much like the Myers-Briggs test. We're all naturally curious about discovering something new about ourselves. Quizzes make for highly attractive lead magnets with a high organic opt-in rate and low cost per lead when running paid traffic.
Now, let's talk about what to consider when building your quiz funnel:
The Hook: Your quiz must have a captivating hook that grabs people's attention and stops them from scrolling past. A bland or uninteresting hook won't cut it.
Number of Questions: Aim for a sweet spot of 7 to 12 questions. Longer quizzes can overwhelm participants, leading to fewer opt-ins.
Questioning Strategy: Craft your questions to guide participants through a journey. Balance between highlighting their pain points and painting a picture of their desired future after experiencing your solution.
Diagnostic Questions: Include questions that help diagnose their problems. These insights are gold for shaping your future offers and programs.
Future Goals: Ask about their aspirations for the next 12 months related to your niche. This helps tailor your offers to their specific needs.
Opt-In Placement: Be strategic about when you ask for their contact information. Don't request it upfront; instead, provide a teaser of their quiz results first.
Bespoke Follow-Up: Personalize your follow-up based on the pain points and problems they revealed in their quiz. This sets you apart from generic lead magnets.
Offer Placement: Present relevant offers based on their quiz results. If your quiz reveals a specific problem, offer a solution immediately.
Audience Building: Use quiz responses to create look-alike audiences for targeted ads. This helps reduce the cost per lead and refine your targeting.
KPI Monitoring: Keep a close eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as landing page conversion rates, question completion rates, and conversion rates into your offers. Tweak your quiz as needed to optimize these metrics.
Remember, building a successful quiz funnel involves understanding the psychology behind it, from the question sequence to the user experience. Don't fall into the trap of believing that quiz funnels don't work if you don't see immediate results.
If you're interested in learning more about quiz funnels and how they can benefit your business, we have a free live workshop that covers the topic in detail. You can find the link here:
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Discover how to fill your Coaching Programmes with Quiz Funnels Micro Offers and AI