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Got a question about

creating a course around

your expertise?

I’d love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m brand new and I don’t know where to start.

If you’re an expert but you literally have no clue how to package up what you know in a way you can sell it in a course to those who need your help or you have no idea what to call your course (and how to price it), then checkout my FREE masterclass and get your questions answered today.

I’ve been trying to do this for awhile and I can’t seem to get traction.

I frequently hear from two different categories of frustrated experts.

  • Those starting out who can’t seem to get any traction despite “doing all the things” that gurus are telling them to do.
  • Those who are booked out and feel chained to their computer or phone, trading dollars for hours and simply don’t know how to scale their business in a way that allows them to enjoy their work AND still have a personal life outside of it.

I get it, there’s no shortage of noise in the online space. Sometimes it can be confusing to know what to do next, especially when it seems like you’ve done “all the things” and still aren’t seeing results. That’s why I only use and share proven strategies and tactics based on real numbers in the real world. “Likes” on a social post isn’t the same as money in your bank account.

So book a “Troubleshooting” call with Maeve or one of her expert team members to quickly identify your problem and guide you to the next steps towards your goal.

I know I want to work with you but I’m not sure which way is the best fit (Do-it-Yourself, Done-With-You, or Done-For-You)?

Because we want to make sure our expertise is accessible to everyone serious about getting help and taking action, we created three different ways you can work with us to fit your preference and your budget.

Do-It-Yourself: Access our guidance through recorded training, set your own pace for progress based on your availability, and still get the reassurance of knowing you’re following our proven success path with our DIY option.

Done-With-You: Looking for high-level support? We’ve got you covered. This option includes access to our proven processes and strategies along with tailored feedback on your course and marketing approach. Maeve and her team of Copywriting, Sales, and Confidence Coaches bring together the perfect blend of access to experts for questions as you build your course, accountability so you get to market faster, and personalized feedback every step of the way.

Done-For-You: Outsource the setup, build, and creation of your funnel so you can focus on CEO-level activities. When you value your time most, this is the ultimate easy button.

So whether you’re overwhelmed with how to start turning your knowledge into an online course or you have some pieces in place, but you’re not generating the revenue or impact you’d like, the fastest way to diagnose the next right step and which option is best suited for your needs is to Book a Troubleshooting Call with Maeve or one of her expert team members.

Would you be a guest on my Podcast?

If your audience is filled with those who want to turn their expertise into profit and discover how to connect with those who need their help (and are eager to buy), then complete this form to inquire about bringing Maeve to your audience as a Podcast guest on your show.

Maeve’s expertise extends the spectrum of beginner to seasoned entrepreneurs ready to leverage their time by scaling with systems.

Topics within Maeve’s expertise include:

  • Choosing a profitable niche
  • Validating your idea through market research
  • Building an audience of buyers (versus tire-kickers)
  • How to establish your credibility as a go-to expert in your industry
  • The fastest way to turn strangers into customers
  • How to leverage your time as an entrepreneur through systems and automation
  • Knowing your numbers: The metrics that matter for profitability
  • Creating quiz funnels that qualify your leads for you on autopilot
  • Why so many try but fail and never reach profitablity selling courses.
Can I suggest a question or topic for your Podcast of YouTube Channel?

Got a burning question about turning your expertise into profit with an online course or how to sell it once you’ve built it?

No matter where you’re stuck or whether you’ve been doing this for five days or five years, we’ve got you covered.

Simply send your question or topic idea HERE that you’d like to hear Maeve’s advice and proven strategies for success and you just might get your answer on Maeve’s upcoming episode.

Proudly helping experts across industries share their knowledge

with those who are eager to pay for it.

Got a question about creating a

course around your expertise?

Maeve Ferguson is an expert at what she does. The value provided well exceeds the cost of any program she offers.

~Denise, Physical Intelligence Expert

& Course Creator

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